We are a family church and welcome children to our services and events. Kids church activities are part of what we do at the Potter’s House Milton Keynes.
Babies and toddlers are catered for by our nursery facilities and children will be entertained by free colouring-in books and Bible play resources, while parents enjoy the service. Older children can also enjoy getting involved with the games we play after Bible Study and Sunday evening services (with free refreshments), and be involved in a range of events such as fun days, day trips, concerts and national events. We believe that seeds planted in young hearts can come to fruition later in life, and that even children can have an encounter with God and begin to get to know Jesus Christ personally. That’s why we love kids at the Potter’s House and welcome them to our kids facilities at our church services.
We welcome you and your family to our services and home Bible studies. Kids will be entertained and taught at our church services here in Milton Keynes. We hope to see you soon. You feel welcome and we hope you find a home with us in our family-friendly church.
Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, “Allow the little children, and don’t forbid them to come to me; for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to ones like these.”