Just yesterday we were overjoyed to dedicated our new daughter, Nia, with many friends and family, church members and visitors in attendance. 

Pastor Yomi Ministers

We invited Pastor Yomi Ikitiyinu to pray for us and preach the service – Pastor Yomi has had a real input into our lives and ministry and become like a family member, and so it only seemed fitting for him to come and lead the dedication. He served for many years as a missionary in Lagos, Nigeria, and in recent times has returned to the UK to the ministry of pastoral care. Our building was packed out with over 50 people in attendance, including many of our regular church members and some first time local visitors as well.

After praying for myself, Kehinde and little Nia (making her church debut!) Pastor Yomi preached up a storm as he ministered about the seasons life will take us through, and that the mind of Christ is to know that after every cross there is resurrection power. It was good to see several people come forward at the end as he invited those who had been touched by the message to make their way to the front for prayer.

A Packed House

Afterwards we had a fantastic fellowship as we tucked into a fusion of Nigerian, Kenyan and Caribbean food; ladies from the church faithfully helped to serve and ensure that everything went smoothly. We were personally blessed with many gifts and congratulations, and there were ample photos taken of a proud mum and dad with their little princess!

I believe a spiritual deposit was placed into our church as Pastor Yomi challenged our people to believe that one day the place would be full like this every service. I certainly believe that this is just the beginning of a great harvest here in MK and look forward to that word of faith being fulfilled.

Pastor T, Kenni, Nia & Kenyan Fam
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