Just to let people know what we are a part of, I found some pictures relating to the Oceanside, California healing crusade that takes place every summer, hosted by the Oceanside church.
Every year the fellowship magazine, the Trumpet, carries reports of healings, miracles and most importantly, souls saved. Smith Wigglesworth famously said that he would rather see one soul saved then a thousand healed, and outweighing the number of platform healings at this crusade is always the number of decisions made for Christ.
Having praid for the sick last year at a crusade in Kenya, I can truly say that as a minister there are few greater priveleges and thrills as being right in the centre of a supernatural move of God. Our fellowship leader, Pastor Wayman Mitchell, preaches at these crusades every year and 2012 was the 25th anniversary.
Now in eighties, there is a reason that Pastor Mitchell makes a point of stopping at Oceanside every year, and that is, aside from the blessing his ministry brings to the area churches, the great personal blessing of seeing such miracles and so many genuine decisions for Christ each year.
If you ever find yourself with a good bit of spare cash and time off from work one summer, I would highly suggest a holiday cum visit. I hope to see you there!