Powerful altar call |
A few weeks ago the Northampton church hosted revival services with Pastor Nigel Brown, the leader of the UK fellowship and pastor of the Walthamstow church.
We went down with some folks from church on the Thursday and heard Pastor Brown minister powerfully about the woman that touched the hem of Jesus’ garment. He analysed her reaction and how our attitudes can be towards receiving healing, blessing or a miracle from God.
Folks from our church |
A few of them returned again the next night on their own, such was their hunger for the Word of God. I went back myself with brother Michael on Saturday night for another great sermon and some great fellowship afterwards with Pastor Brown, Phile Azzille and some of the leaders from the Northampton church. When we finally found a place to eat (Northampton town centre on a Saturday night is jammed!) it was great to get some Turkish food again. I find few other types of cuisine so satisfying when you’re really hungry!
It was great to see my pastor again, and I was able to catch up personally with him earlier in the day over breakfast. The saints here have definitely caught the vision of our fellowship and we look forward to visiting more revivals, and having some of our own in the near future.