
I can’t claim authorship of this inspiring little piece – that goes to rappers Hazakim – but it really encouraged me this morning (whatever language we name Him in):

‘What if we told you that the most popular Jew that ever lived, through whom countless gentiles have come to the knowledge of the God of Israel, is not recognized in His own country? What if we told you that His Name, Yeshua , which means “salvation”, has been replaced by “Yeshu” –  a fateful drop of the Hebrew letter “Ayin” at the end of His Name?  

Though most Israelis don’t know its origin, this name given by His detractors, is an acronym meaning  “may his name and memory be blotted out”.  Hazakim is here to remove the stigma surrounding Him and to declare Yeshua’s glorious place in Israel’s history. He is the most influential, Torah observant Jew, that has ever lived. And even more profound than this: Yeshua is the Messiah that was foretold by the Jewish prophets!  He is the pride and joy of Israel!  He is a Light to the gentiles and the True Hope for peace in the Middle East. 

Until the day that was foretold by our Messiah comes, and Jerusalem corporately declares “blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord”, let us declare the Name of Yeshua of Nazareth boldly and without shame.  Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!’

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