I like Twitter, and I believe that it is a great platform to share thoughts, revelations and interesting news items. However, some people become what I call Twitter Twits. The desire to have something to say outweighs the value or truth of what they end up saying – case in point:
This person sat down and thought about the failings of famous Bible characters, and surmised that since they were used in some capacity by God, God overlooked their sin (“nobody’s perfect!”) – That Christians shouldn’t worry about getting drunk or cussing now and again, as that’s exactly what Noah and Peter were like, and God used them!
What they failed to comprehend was that Noah got drunk after the flood, and that it resulted in the cursing of his grandson. They also failed to realize that Peter’s cussing and oath swearing was part of his denial of Christ! Rahab was a harlot, but it was for the act of righteous in concealing Israel’s spies that she was remembered. Jonah ran, and was also vexed after seeing a whole city repent, but we hear no more of him after God’s rebuke. Paul killed people before his conversion, while Thomas doubted the living Christ and and missed the blessing that is through faith.
He will use you when you repent of such behavior, and if you backslide like Noah or Peter, He will use you again, if you repent. He will not however use people that look to the failings of biblical characters and use it as an excuse to shirk holiness and fall into sin on a regular basis.
Lord help me not to become a Twitter Twit!