Just a report on last night’s bible study meeting, and the great time we had. We continued in our ‘Back 2 Basics’ series and looked at baptism.
We looked at three particular aspects – what baptism meant to Israel, what it meant in the New Testament and what it now means to us. We looked at the washing of the priests as part of their ordination in Exodus, and before they entered into the tabernacle to minister. We then looked at practice of baptizing gentiles as ‘converts of righteousness’. Moving to the New Testament we looked at the baptism of John, Jesus’ baptism and the baptismal practices of the early church.
Saints getting into the Word |
We finished up by learning what it means to us today as a public confession of faith, commitment to our new life and an identification with the burial and resurrection of Jesus via 1 Corinthians 6, Romans 6 and the book of Acts.
It was great to have a lot of the regular church members out and some new visitors also. After the study we had the usual great mix of food and games – special thanks goes out to sister Lola who cooked up a storm and blessed us with jollof rice, plantain and chicken (thanks to Michael for buying the ingredients also 😉
We thank God for the decisions that were made by those who wanted to give their life to Christ and those who are stirred to take part in our first baptism service coming soon.