I don’t think anyone in the developed world has escaped news of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s new arrival of a baby boy. Press and public queued for hours to catch a potential glimpse of the royal couple and their new arrival.

I have been amazed by the attention that William and Katherine’s quite personal and private moment in their lives has received. It has become the subject of every major newspaper’s front page, prime fodder for internet debate and the talk of many a work place and living room across the country.

Everyone seems to be happy for them and excited at this new arrival and the future that faces him. Journalists had jumped on the slightest hunch or assumption and speculated about sex, names and what awaits the new royal. The whole atmosphere, despite hours of waiting and the vain attempts of reporters to fill the time with something of interest, has been of joy and anticipation.

The whole event cast my mind back to another baby born, a long time ago, and to much lowlier parents. With this young couple there was no private hospital wing, no police or bodyguards, no crowds of reporters or flocks of well-wishers. If you walked into any family home in town at the time, no one would know who this baby was, let alone would you find excited speculation about names and future ascension to the throne.

Truth is, there was more than enough room at the Lindo Wing for the new prince of Cambridge. There was also more than enough room in the hearts of the nation and in the headlines of the media. We pray and hope, but with the way the royalty and de facto rulers of this nation have conducted themselves, there is little hope that this little child will grow up to make a stand for righteousness. From his parents living together before marriage, his grandfather’s adultery, and now to his great-grandmother’s royal ascent to homosexual ‘marriage’ , there is little hope that the new prince could stand against the immorality overtaking this society if he wanted to.

Yet, he finds plenty of column inches and a nation awaiting him, simply by his fame and the vicarious desires of the human heart. Yet that other little boy, also to be king one day, found no room for him in the inn. He also found no room in the hearts of the rulers of the day, or the nation that would one day deny his royalty and attribute it to a wicked leader instead. But there was a fanfare – not the passing fanfare of this world, that calls right wrong, while truth lies fallen in the street, but the very angels of Heaven appeared to rejoice in His birth.

Will and Kate’s little boy may be king one day, and he may have the hearts of the nation, but let us make sure that there is room in our hearts for a far greater King – one who will not only rule on this earth one day, but also in eternity. His birth passed without event for the majority in His day, but His return will shake the foundations of creation. He still finds little room in hearts or news reports today, but one day His royalty will be undeniable, as every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, not to the glory of earthly parents, but to the glory of the Father.

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