We bring a great report of all that God did during our Healing Night on Sunday 17th May.

We saw visitors out as Pastor Terrell preached about the faith of Abraham as he simply obeyed the promise of God, not knowing the details.

We saw several healings, including that of a partially blocked ear and the visible work of God in a short leg and back pain being healed. We also await reports of those who were not immediately able to tell.

One powerful testimony was that after people came forward to stand in the gap for sick friends or relatives, several days later, one sister reported that her mum had suddenly been healed of arthritis in her arm and had regained full use.

We were also blessed to see a decision for Christ at the end of the service, noting that the salvation of the sin sick soul is the greatest miracle.

We thank God that He is still confirming His word with signs following, and
we look forward to continuing to hold healing nights throughout the year.

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