Milton Keynes church vision
Refueling at Harvester before outreach

Yesterday a small group of us went to MK for a mini-Impact Team – Impact Teams are groups that go out from our mother church on Saturdays each month to assist smaller and new churches through evangelism, street preaching, music ministry and an evening concert.

We hit MK with street preaching, praise and worship and one-to-one witnessing. After being asked to leave the entrance to the Xscape, we headed through Thecentre:mk and ended up at entrance 6, where we continued to hand out flyers and witness.

We found that people were open and we challenged some of the many young people hanging around the area with the gospel. Myself and brother Eden talked to a group of five teenagers who at first were full of mocking, but soon began to ask genuine questions. We went through creation, morality, the fall and ended up with all bar one saying that they would be guilty on judgement day (thanks Ray Comfort;-).

Eden looking for his next witness

When witnessing to a group there is usually one that you can see conviction in; a good strategy mentioned by one of the brothers is to focus on that person. With this group, one of the young girls asked why she had asthma and I asked if I could pray for her. When the boys began to lose interest and peel off I asked her what she feared in her life (asthma is often linked to fear when it comes to praying for the sick). She immediately said that she feared going to sleep and began to cry.

I prayed with her for healing from asthma and that God would touch her with his perfect peace, then told her to let me know how her sleep was that evening. I just know that she would have slept like a baby. When someone steps back from the mocking and the questions and genuinely wants help, God is only too willing to prove Himself to them and reveal His power – Psalm 34:18 The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.

All in all we had a fantastic day and I am genuinely excited about moving to MK and starting up the church officially. Please check the main site and this blog for details of the church address as soon as we have it.

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