I was reading Psam 87 today and as it talked of the Lord’s love for Zion and how the place the Lord dwells is spoken of gloriously (let that be our churches!), I noticed that it says men shall be noted for being born in such a place.

We become born again, and pass from death unto life, darkness unto light and from the principalities of this world to the Kingdom of God, but there is also a time in our salvation when a man is born.

For some, we can say we were born as men through the trials of life, others that we were born as men by seeking an intimacy of relationship with God. Which area of our lives can others, and God, look at and say that we were born as men there? The place of overcoming our fears and stepping out in personal evangelism, or the area where we put the final nail in covetousness’ coffin and committed ourselves to a life of giving?

Will our church be a place where others can look and say that men are being born there, in the presence of God, through the storms of life, facing fears and temptations? Some are born again, but are yet to face the thing that can see spiritual manhood born in them, or have faced it and failed to go on to spiritual maturity.

The other day I had a man in my house who has been saved for many years and is gifted and intelligent, but only now is he being born as a real man of God as he gets through a time in his life that by the grace of God is making him rather than breaking him.

Lord help us to be able to look back at our salvation and pinpoint times that led to our spiritual manhood. Lord help us to help others who aren’t there yet and see them through the times that can lead to a birthing in their hearts – that we can all say a man was born there, in God’s presence, in God’s will, in God’s place.

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